Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Greece responds to FYROM's impending takeover of the Presidency of the Council of Europe

In response to a journalist's question about the impending takeover of the Presidency of the Council of Europe, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Government's intention to use this institution to promote its position on the name issue, as evidenced by statements Foreign Minister Milososki, the Foreign Ministry spokesman, Mr. Gregory Delavekouras said on Monday that:

"On May 11, 2010, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia will be invited to chair the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. This is an important responsibility, they take all Member States of the international body rotation in alphabetical order, for six months at a time (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia undertakes under the letter T - the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - the English alphabet).

In exercising its institutional mandate, the President must support the important affairs administered by the Committee of Ministers. It must exercise its role as appropriate to the presidency of any international intergovernmental body, ie respect for international legitimacy, the institutional acquis and decisions of the organization, in cooperation with other institutions and in a spirit of consensus over the other member states. One example given by Greece in pursuit of the presidency of the OSCE in 2009.

Unfortunately, statements by the leadership of FYROM effortlessly clear that the intention of the Government of Macedonia is to exercise the role of abusing its presidency to promote its position on the name issue, as it did during its Presidency UN General Assembly. The purpose of the action is to cancel the contents of Resolution (95) 23 of the CoE Committee of Ministers which stipulates that "this country will be provisionally called Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" for all purposes within the Council of Europe .

In this way, the leadership of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia charged once the negotiating process within the United Nations and actively reject the efforts and initiatives taken by Greece to create a positive climate between the two countries to facilitate the conduct of negotiations under the auspices of the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary General. Greece is not going to follow this behavior.

In doing so, the Government of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia demonstrates that it can have the confidence of the international community, and confirms the correctness of the unanimous decisions of NATO and the EU to abandon the country's accession process while remaining open to the pending name issue.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has updated the international bodies and other CoE member states of the Organization for these approaches. Throughout the course of the Bureau of Macedonia, we will take all necessary steps to ensure respect for the content of Resolution (95) 23 of the CoE Committee of Ministers.

Once again we reiterate the readiness of Greece to move directly to final settlement, with a name will be determined by geography and will be used for all, erga omnes. We expect the government of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to finally make the step that it deserves to reach a mutually acceptable solution within the framework of negotiations under UN auspices. Source; Government of Greece

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