Deputy President of DPA, Menduh Thaci, accused Macedonian President Branko Crvenkovski and DUI's leader Ali Ahmeti of colluding to repeat the situation in Macedonia in 2001.
Naming Crvenkovski as "so-called President", Thaci accused him of having misinformed EU and NATO top officials about the situation in the country during his stay in Brussels.
"Crvenkovski used the snitching method, suggesting that the inter-ethnic relations in the country had hit a rock bottom and that the main goal of the governing coalition was to divide Macedonia", Thaci said at today's press briefing in Tetovo.
Commenting Ahmeti's accusations that DPA's President Arben Xhaferi and ex-Prime Minister Ljubcho Georgievski had plotted to divide Macedonia, Thaci said that making such statements at this moment would only impose additional problems to the Albanian issue, the Albanian themselves and resolving of the Kosovo status, as well.
As regards the allegations of briberies received by DUI's high-ranking officials, including Ahmeti, during the rule of the previous government, Thaci said:
"The briberies he took on the behalf of the war veterans are a clear proof that he is trying to hide behind the tragedy of the people who trusted him. There is a saying among the Albanians about this: Don't ask him, he will tell it by himself. Ahmeti and Crvenkovski have admitted by themselves they were planning to repeat the 2001 situation", he said.
Commenting the announcements of DUI's mayors to cut communication with the central authorities, Thaci said should this take place, they will request for repeating of 2005 local elections, since all reports of international observers stated the elections were subject to manipulation.
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