Skopje. VMRO-DPMNE and DUI have not signed any secret agreement, or annex to the Ohrid Agreement. They have agreed on three issues in the previous talks and for the same number of issues they failed to agree, PM Nikola Gruevski said at Monday's 60th parliamentary emergency session which was initiated by Gjorgji Orovcanec from New Alternative party, Macedonian agency MIA informed.
The only item on the agenda is reaching parliamentary agreement for improvement of all necessary reform processes, which Macedonia as candidate country for NATO membership and start of the talks for EU admission, should and must be finished effectively.
No new secret agreement is signed or annex to the Ohrid Agreement or new Framework Agreement. Three issues are agreed and international community suggests to be fulfilled. We have agreed on three issues, 45 laws for which double majority is needed to become part of the Rules of Procedure after the adoption of the Rules of Procedure one member from the authority of the Committee for Relations between the Communities to be replaced by official of the opposition parties of the Macedonian bloc, and the law on Committee of Ethnic Communities is necessary.
Three issues which are not agreed, Gruevski said, include DUI's request for passing the law on use of the languages, the status of the former NLA members and election of government according to Badinter principle.
In regard to these requests VMRO-DPMNE and DUI show fundamental differences. Fulfilment of these requests was promised by the previous government, of SDSM. But we were not present at those talks and we are not in a position to fulfil somebody else's promises, Gruevski said.
He appealed to the opposition to support the Government in the efforts in full carrying out of the reforms. - At this point when the NATO door is open for us, when we are to finish all obligations connected with gaining the date for negotiations with the EU, we should surpass all party interests and to direct towards national, state interest. We should not quarrel and to conduct marathon discussions because it will not lead Macedonia in the EU. We should focus on concentrated work of the Parliament, and political debates to continue in direction to Macedonia's membership in the NATO and the EU, Gruevski recommended.
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